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Why we make a difference: the water shortage problem

Most cosmetic products consist mainly of water. Therefore, 'aqua' is usually on top of the list of ingredients. However, the shortage of water is lurking. According to the World Wildlife Fund, two-thirds of the world population will have a water problem by 2025. 70% of our planet is covered by water, and it is easy to think it will always be abundantly available. Freshwater - the water we drink, bathe in and water our fields with – is incredibly rare. Only 3% of the total water is freshwater, and two-thirds of it is tucked away in frozen glaciers. With the current rate of consumption, this situation will only get worse. Not only would the consumers of water bear the consequences, but the ecosystems will suffer as well. As a result, many consumers have become more attentive to their water use. They not only take shorter showers or use taps with less water usage, but they also look for cosmetics where the usage of water is low. Still, consumers are not always aware of the water problem.

If people think of treat-yourself extravagant ingredients, water might not be the first ingredients that come to mind. However, global market research firm Mintel names it as the “new luxury ingredient”. “Water is set to be a precious commodity as consumption outstrips supply,” explained the brand's Global Beauty and Personal Care Analyst. With a growing world population, economic development and increased consumption (the average person in the western world consumes 140 litres a day) the global water demand is increasing according to the UN.

The cosmetic industry not only uses water ín cosmetics, but water is also used in the production process. This is the cause of the greatest water use/waste. According to the manufacturer of the brand "The Ordinary", 20% of all the water used in the factory is 'waste'. This must become more sustainable. We as a factory focus on this problem. In our production process, we use water as little as possible and don’t add it as an additional product in our product either. We strive to keep our ecological footprint as small as possible.

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